Unified Communications for Medical Service

Doctors and practitioners of all kinds are faced with new communications demands by their clients and the quickly changing world of technology.

With our xSeries product, doctors can take advantage of tele-health opportunities without requiring an additional product. Through integrations with their websites or privately shared invitations, patients can call, chat, or video with their provider. No software installation is required from the customer. They can even take advantage of it directly from the browser on their cell phones.

Doctors can even transfer these tele-health calls among their team if someone else needs to get in on the conversation.

A constantly available cloud based system means offices don’t run risk of falling out of compliance with medicare or medicaid requirements when internet, phone, or power outages prevent them from receiving calls.

Even if all services are out to your building, calls can still be routed either to agents available via mobile app, to voicemail, or to call-routing IVRs with readily available and updatable emergency contact info.